LadySports Online Now Open!

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Why Should You Join?

What makes us different?


Many other membership sites update on a set schedule... or at least claim they will. We won't adhere to a schedule. Instead we will update as news breaks, stories happen and new material arrives.
And with our years of experience, stable of female fighters and extensive vault of videos and photos you know the updates will be often!
Listen to LeiLani


Another feature will be the photos. Many will be exclusive to the members area, others higher res than on the free section of the site.
Action photos, posed photos of your favorite wrestlers, behind the scenes shots and more!


Special 10 minute grudge matches filmed specially for members, preview video clips and more.

In addition there will be sneak previews of upcoming video releases as well as special deals and pricing on new tapes and DVDs for members.

News & Stories

The latest news and happenings on the women of the PGWA as well as feature stories by the LadySports staff and guest writers.


In addition to the latest news, videos and photos we'll also feature a "Classics" section with favorite features from the past.

Anything else?

There WILL be more features and surprises! We will do our best to keep you entertained in the world of Pro Women's Wrestling!

You can also read the FAQ

Okay. How much?

Just 14.95 monthly for the best in Women's Professional Wrestling! Use your Visa or MasterCard.
Your membership will rebill monthly for your convenience.

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